Friday, January 07, 2005


Still working on some animation at the moment but I want to continue with the posts so here is another selection from the sketchbook. Hands can be a real bitch to render believably. Whenever I am creating a figure rendering, I always try to pay particular attention to the hands and feet--mainly because hands are a big area of focus in any figure rendering. They can be as expressive as any face. The masters used hands to convey a whole spectrum of emotions. Look at the delicate way that this hand, from a painting by Da Vinci, cradles the ferret(or whatever the hell this thing is). Peep these examples--also by Da Vinci. Geez... You can see how these sketches influence my sketchbook style. Why mess with what works? Anyhoo, I have a hell of a time drawing hands. At one point, I got a small sketchbook and filled the thing--front and back, with drawings of hands. Some of them are little more than gesture drawings. Others are full on renderings. Some are better than others and some I will never show anyone because of how bad they are! Hands still give me a hard time but I do feel much more confident. Now I feature hands as much as possible...

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