Monday, March 21, 2005


Hey y'all... Here is a detail of the two page spread I've been working on for the picture book on Francis Marion. I'm pretty proud of it. Y'all let me know what you think. Constructive comments are welcome!
Here is the complete image:
The text will be on the right--or facing page where the smoke and stuff is. I didn't want to totally fill this scene with people since the focus is primarily on Marion. As I mentioned before, I am really trying to get the feel of the old Howard Pyle/N.C. Wyeth paintings. Those old illustrations captured my imagination as a kid. It wasn't that I was concerned with how many buttons any uniform had--or even if the depictions of the battles were particularly spot on accurate. It's that were so DRAMATIC. It's the stories that they told. Nobody painted pirates like Howard Pyle--and N.C. Wyeth was the only illustrator I ever associated with Robin Hood. I have some pretty high hopes for this project. Stay tuned and y'all let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

James, The Fort Sullivan pic is great, and should be a two-page spread for sure in the book. Also, the pic of the ship firing on Charleston should be a two-page spread. At first I didn't think ships actually came into the harbor in 1780 and fired on the town, but they did a little. Mostly, the seige from the west and northwest did the trick and caused surrender, however.