Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by stymie924.
Yes, I know I have been way absent from the "blogospehere" but I have been consumed with work/fatherhood/general malaise. I have been grappling these past months with a wee bit of the old depression--otherwise known on the street as, "the pity party." I apologize to any and all faithful readers of the 'smear who have been missing me. I am back, for now...

Yes, I have been a-wallowing in the pit of semi-despair (more like semi-sadness--or whiny-ness) of late. However, art continues to be an area of comfort for me and I am happy to have some time to try something different--painting on canvas. This is something that I enjoy doing--though time doesn't always permit it.

This is an as yet unfinished large canvas in a series of canvases entitled "Men with Hats" since I somehow always end up painting men in the 1930's style with those fedora hats on. I don't know why, it's just something that I have always done. Subconsciously, I guess it's all about what I grew up with. My Grandfather was always wearing one of those hats (never indoors!!). In all the pictures I saw of him over the years, he had the same stern--yet placid expression on his face and a-top his head was always one of those hats. Later in life, it was a Tom Landry/Bear Bryant-style hat--the kind with the little feather in the side of the brim. Anyway, y'all let me know what you think...


Lou said...

Welcome back to the "blogosphere." :)

This is a really cool piece, as well as the others I saw on Flickr.

Great job and can't wait to see the finished product.

JustMe said...

Lovely piece. I could never pull off a nostalgic mood like that. What a nice tribute to your grandfather. I even like it in its unfinished state.

And I hear ya about depression. I don't know why some of the best of us are burdened by the ocassional blues. It's not fair, and sometimes it comes out of nowhere.

Some artists say they work best like that, when they're depressed. However, it's never really worked like that for me.

James Palmer said...

Thanks y'all... Hyacinth, that means a lot... I was worried that folks wouldn't be into this stuff.

Justin, Thanks a lot. Glad to see that you're checking in with the 'smear. I don't know. I wouldn't say I work best like that--no way. Different strokes I guess...

Anonymous said...

james--love the hats concept. if
you find a spot please don't forget Humphrey Bogart--Bogie is
my only other true love...i really should have lived during the '40s.
As for the feeling down---welcome to everybody's world--at least at some point in everyone's life to some degree. sometimes there is no reason for it whatsoever--it just happens. it's good though, that times have changed--that it is okay to talk about it, huh? hey james, used to they would have put you up in the attic---now you can sit right outside on your own front porch....
missed reading your smear and glad you're back.........if the "yuks" get too bad --all kidding aside--talk it out with someone..ok?